15 Best Germany Personal Finance Blogs and Websites in 2024

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The best Germany Personal Finance blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness.

Germany Personal Finance Blogs

Here are 15 Best Germany Personal Finance Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. Finanzblogroll Blog

Finanzblogroll Blog In this financial blogroll, you will find the latest articles from the best German-speaking financial blogs every day. It features highlights from the financial blogs that are worth reading, the introduction of new financial blogs, as well as interesting articles on various financial topics, presentations of ETFs, stocks and much more!
Blog finanzblogroll.net
Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 583 Frequency 17 posts/year Domain Authority 24 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.

2. Dagoberts Nichte

Dagoberts Nichte I am Jennifer. Dagoberts Nichte is a blog about my way to FIRE - Financially Independent Retired Early.
Blog dagoberts-nichte.de
Facebook Followers 82 Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 16 Get Email Contact

3. Freaky Finance Blog

Freaky Finance Blog Blog and platform around the topics of finance and diversification underpinned with real-life experiences
Blog freakyfinance.net
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 9.2K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 25 Get Email Contact

4. Finances? Explained!

Finances? Explained! Finances? Explained! is about personal finances and financial independence.The blog addresses the whole lifecycle of financial independence, the focus is on the development and presentation of innovative withdrawal strategies that allow for maximum capital consumption while minimizing the risk of bankruptcy.
Blog finanzen-erklaert.de
Twitter Followers 53 Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 15 Get Email Contact

5. Geldfrau Blog

Geldfrau Blog Finance blog for women who want to have their money under control. With Geldfrau, simplify your journey to financial independence with a clear, independent approach.
Blog geldfrau.de/blog
Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 704Instagram Followers 7.5K Frequency 4 posts/year Domain Authority 29 Get Email Contact

6. Finanzbildung Blog

Finanzbildung Blog The Finanzbildung is now on three solid feet, the focus is always on financial education, supplemented by coaching and individual advice for financially educated people. Take your financial life into your own hands.
Blog finanzbildung.jetzt
Facebook Followers 2.1K Frequency 2 posts/quarter Domain Authority 14 Get Email Contact

7. Klunkerchen Blog

Klunkerchen Blog Here on the Klunkerchen website, you will find concentrated information on the subject of money. Here you will learn how to find an adult way of dealing with money. Without a guilty conscience, without lack, and without the feeling of not understanding something.
Blog klunkerchen.com+ Follow
Facebook Followers 320Twitter Followers 73Instagram Followers 179 Domain Authority 24 Get Email Contact

8. Ex-Studentin

Ex-Studentin The blog is written by a young German engineer about lifestyle, finances, and the joy of being alive.
Blog exstudentin.de
Facebook Followers 427 Frequency 4 posts/year Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact

9. Finanzglück

Finanzglück I am Nico - Blogger, investor, landlord, loving father and a passionate asador.Here you will find everything you need to know about finances in your family.
Blog finanzglueck.de
Facebook Followers 991Twitter Followers 1.7K Domain Authority 26 Get Email Contact

10. Wohlstandsentfaltung Blog

Wohlstandsentfaltung Blog Holistic online financial education for people who want to take their finances into their own hands. My name is Dominik Fecht and I run this blog and the associated YouTube channel full-time . I am currently 24 years old, have a degree in finance and have already written and successfully published several financial books myself.
Blog wohlstandsentfaltung.de
Facebook Followers 56Instagram Followers 971 Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact

11. Get Financial Independence

Get Financial Independence My name is Ankur, and I live in Germany. I am also an immigrant from India and moved here around 7 years ago. It is through this blog I will aim to improve my finances, help you figure out yours, and also work with you to achieve this common goal.
Blog getfi.eu
Domain Authority 8 Get Email Contact

Show 12 to 100

Germany Personal Finance Bloggers

Top bloggers, editors, and contributors covering Germany Personal Finance. Get Spreadsheet
Blogger Name Email Designation Blog Link Twitter Handle Twitter Follower
Felix Authorfinanzblogroll.net/blog@finanzblogroll604
Jennifer Schenke Authordagoberts-nichte.de
Georg Authorfinanzen-erklaert.de@finerklaert40
Dani Parthum Authorgeldfrau.de/blog@diegeldfrau723
Anette Weiss Authorfinanzbildung.jetzt/blog@geldwert_anette495
Gisela Enders Authorklunkerchen.com/blog-2@frauklunkerchen79
Jennifer Robner Authorexstudentin.de
Nico Hintze Authorfinanzglueck.de/alle-beitraege@finanzglueck1.8K
Dominik Fecht Authorwohlstandsentfaltung.de/blog
Ankur M Authorgetfi.eu@getfieurope79
Ex-Studentin Contributorexstudentin.de
Geldfrau Contributorgeldfrau.de
Katharina Contributorfinanzbildung.jetzt
Dagoberts Nichte Contributordagoberts-nichte.de
Load 15 to 50 of 100 Bloggers